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10 things you may not know about Iran

There are some aspects widely known about Iran like this is a vast country, lots of ethnic groups, great history, sustainable culture, specific environment and many others. But there are some other factors and feature that are not yet known to the world as it should be. Stay with us to know more about this beautiful and spectacular country.

  • The home of ancient civilizations: we know Mesopotamia as the oldest and leading civilization of the world but where is next? Definitely Iran, for some reasons like geographical location, environment, natural resources and numerous archaeological sites from paleolithic to historical era. The Iranian plateau introduced as one of the oldest settlement of human, Neolithic, ruralization and next after urbanism.         
  • The next capital of cosmetic surgery: Iran has the potential to be the next plastic surgery capital not even in Asia but in the world. The country is already known as one of the top-rated countries with the highest number of cosmetic surgeries demands so, there are lots of qualified surgeons in Iran.  high-quality treatment service, low cost and advance medical service are the other reasons that attract people to this country.
  • The world’s second-largest natural gas reservoir: Iran is one of the most hydrocarbon-rich areas in the world, it ranked fourth among oil producer countries and second after Russia for its natural source of gas.
  • Well- Educated people: a large number of Iranians have high education, yes they are smart but it is not the only reason. It is exactly, related to the education system of Iran which advised people to continue their educations even to PhD and higher, if they are going to find better opportunities and knowledge.
  • Most expensive caviar: Iran is the producer of the most expensive (£20000 per kilogram) caviar in the world called Almas or diamond. It is produced from the eggs of albino sturgeon more than 60 years old. The important territory of this fish is the southern boundaries of the Caspian Sea. 
  • Persian carpet; Persian or Iranian carpet is one the most popular handwoven textile of the world trade system. The beauty, quality, motifs, colours, accurate design and reasonable dimensions are the most important factors that made Persian carpet valuable.
  • The home of the Asiatic cheetah: Persian cheetah is the endangered subspecies of the cheetah that today only inhabit in Iran. The Asiatic cheetah mainly lives in the desert areas in the central plateau of Iran. Cheetball (cheetah+ ball) are two animal doll named Delbar (female with red eyes) and Kushki (Male with green eyes) as a part of protection project that unveiled cheetah logo on Iran national football team’s uniform for 2014 World Cup. Kushki and Delbar still live in Pardisan park in Tehran.
  • The capital of traditional medicine in west Asia: The Iranian nation has the indigenous knowledge, skill, theories and experiences in traditional medicine which is one of the reasons why the history of medical science is brilliant in this country. Avicenna and Razi are the most famous Iranian scientist in medical theories and publications.
  • Tenth most UNESCO-registered world heritage: due to Iran 22 cultural and 2 natural world heritage sites, this country ranked 10th among the top 10 countries with the most registered sites. It is a very good opportunity for tourists who are interesting to discover these remarkable places to travel to Iran because in every corner they will find at least one or two world heritage.  
  1. Iran is safe as the UK and Switzerland: Based on a new report by independent (https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/travel-risk-map-2019-worlds-safest-dangerous-countries-to-visit-iran-uk-slovenia-denmark-a8644646.html) Iran is as safe as the UK, Denmark, Slovenia and even Switzerland. Some factors like terrorism, insurgency, politically motivated unrest, war, ethnic violence, violent, petty crime, the effectiveness of the security, emergency services and moreover were considered by global risk experts International SOS in collaboration with Control Risks.

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